DVD Cover Art
Design Projects
The Cases...
Order 8 disc cases from
Genesys DTP
Effectuality Inc
Genesys DTP
The spine measures 26mm (1 inch) wide.
Effectuality Inc
Get the 10 disc cases from
The spine measures 32mm (1.25 inches) wide.
Order 12 disc cases from
Genesys DTP
The spine measures 39mm (1.5 inches) wide.
Below are the covers I am using for 10 disc cases.  Click on the covers for a bigger view.  To download a cover that works best for you,
click here to go to the download section and check out the myriad of choices!  And thanks again Chris, for the help!  
This set was a collaboration between myself and Chris Nickle (known as Cnickle on the forums) and they are based on my Superman Anthology set. The examples below were made to house my complete collection of filmed Batman tales. 
The first volume,  The Caped Crusader Collection holds both of the Tim Burton directed Micheal Keaton films (Batman and Batman Returns) as well as the two sequels, Batman Forever and Batman & Robin.  The set also includes Batman: The Movie, the 1966 feature based on the campy TV series and the animated feature, Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
The second set is called The Dark Knight Collection
In addition to Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, my set also holds the animated Batman - Gotham Knight, and Batman - The Theatrical Serials Collection (Batman from 1943 and Batman and Robin from 1949).
Realizing that many folks will not have all of these discs or may
want different configurations, I have made multiple sets at different sizes and with different contents, but with the same artwork. For those that hate Batman Forever and Batman & Robin, there are are even versions that combine the Burton movies with the new ones.  There are even choices where you can customize your own cover. 
Download this cover
Download this cover
The Caped Crusader Collection
The Dark Knight Collection
Again, for multiple variations on the above covers, go to the
Download the font used for the titles here