The Cases...
This cover is made to fit around the
1 inch wide 5 - 8 disc cases
available at Effectuality Inc
Quintuple (5 disc) DVD Case
Sextuple (6 disc) DVD Case
Septuple (7 disc) DVD Case
Octuple (8 disc) DVD Case
6 disc and 8 disc cases
with the 1 inch spine
are also available at
Genesys DTP
US Plastic Corp
Sleeve City
This cover was designed to hold the entire Terminator Trilogy in one case. This design was made for flexibility so that you may include both the Extreme and Ultimate Editions of Terminator 2: Judgment Day, or just one of the T2 releases. Just determine the amount of discs in your Terminator Collection and order the appropriate case. Just make sure it has a 1 inch spine! Details on where to get the cases are below.
Download the cover here
DVD Cover Art
Design Projects